Hi Aditi,
I would say both Typeform and VideoAsk have actually risen from customer insights instead.
In this case, meaning, we were thinking about what the customer would benefit from as opposed to purely thinking about the technology involved.
Both product benefit from a GTM ‘joker’ card. By that, I mean, given that both products are inherently viral (products that create distributable content), in both cases we just put the product out there, people started building typeforms/videoasks, distributing them and presto there is your viral loop. We’re lucky in that sense.
Of course just product virality alone did got us to where we are. In our case we have a particularity that makes it challenging to go to market. Both our products are very horizontal (multiple use cases…like Trello) so we have a harder time convincing people to activate down verticals where a competitor might have the use case more focused and wrapped up.