Hey-oh! 🤠 I'm Josh Founder CEO of Referral Rock AMA

I’m a “SEO” guy so make sure you are planting some seeds there (may take weeks or months to “bear fruit” but lay some things down).

I’d say go to where your customers are and where the conversations are happening. Make sure you are in the conversation.

  1. Tons of communities these days Twitter, Reddit, Slack groups. You just have to be careful to learn the native language so you don’t do something off-putting. Just be helpful to people in those conversations but don’t be promotional.
  2. Look to follow up in DMs or other ways that make it more personal and ask for feedback.
  3. Make sure your product is listed like product hunt, beta list, capterra, g2, trustpilot (also helps for SEO)

Then make sure you’re super easy to contact.

  1. Simple lead form (not many fields to vet/validate)
  2. Phone number listed

You should be in a mode of “I’ll take to anyone that has interest” so make it as easy and frictionless as possible for them at this stage of your business.

Stay in full learning/listening mode on all of these things, so you can refine your product/pitch to solve their pain.