hi @Vengat, with the caveat that we’re still making this better, the main approach we’re taking is:
- Content gets people to the site
- Find a way to get their email address
- Nurture them on email
- Leverage webinars or other free tools to drive forward engagement
- Be ready to engage when they’re ready to evaluate
Underpinning this is the understanding of the buyer journey:
Unaware > Aware > Considering > Evaluating > Decision
In these stages, the one we don’t control is Considering > Evaluating: this has a lot of factors that are to do with the buyer being ready (e.g. internal team alignment, business priorities etc.)
So we should focus on the other stages… if your market is established then you don’t need to worry about unaware > aware (or you can let the big players do this job) so you can focus on aware > considering. Here your goal with content is to help your potential buyers visualize how your product can meet their needs; give them ideas and inspire them. Then when they’re ready they’ll actually begin evaluating.
Does that give you a framework to try some stuff? Why do you think your traffic isn’t converting?