I'm Brendan Schwartz, Co-Founder and CTO of Wistia. AMA 💞

Hi Tomas, I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure that wasn’t an easy decision. My instinct is to communicate as transparently as you can with your customer base. As a customer, even if it’s not the news I want to hear, having a heads up about what’s happening will give me time to transition to a new solution versus being surprised about it later. Also, I think customers tend to notice when a product isn’t in active development. We’ve made plenty of mistakes at Wistia, and I’ve always found that no matter how bad the news is, people appreciate it when you tell them in a transparent way. Also, I wouldn’t be afraid to express how you feel in that communication.

This isn’t a product shutting down, but this is an excellent example of communicating a hard message that I saw this morning: Carta’s covid-19 layoff. Over the last few weeks I’ve talked… | by Henry Ward | Medium. It’s clear and to the point but abundantly clear how hard it was for him to do and the work he put in to try to make the best of the situation.