I’m Rich Waldron, Founder and CEO of Tray.io. AMA!

Hi Krish, thank you for the question!

A few things to unpack here, initially we were very open minded about who we sold to (there are pro’s and con’s to this for sure), we felt we had a platform that covered a wide breadth and interesting expansion opportunity, so ultimately there were parallels between the use cases that were stage agnostic. In fact one of our first 10 customers ended up being a 350k employee organization.

I think on both fronts it’s dependent on what you’re selling and the potential revenue growth that is available. I do think the world has changed somewhat from the MM perspective shared above, many of those orgnizations are not only growing faster, but have become more enlighten by what SaaS can provide for them - they key (IMO) is to ensure you have the functionality to grow with them.