I’m Paul Joyce, Founder and CEO of Geckoboard. AMA!

Hi @Anushree, thanks for your question!

I think I covered the first part in my answer to Logesh’s question here , but I’d be happy to go into more details if helpful.

How we knew we achieved PMF was less clear cut due to the stratified customer base I mentioned in that same answer.

  1. We definitely reached PMF for some segments of the market pretty early on
  2. But this was obscured by our lack of segmentation
  3. Great customers and those who were a poor fit were all lumped together
  4. Once we started on the process of segmenting customers then looking at behaviour and retention it was clear that there were a couple of markets/use cases where we were very strong in
  5. This gave us the confidence to really double down on those segments/JTBD where Geckoboard absolutely was the right fit
  6. Those signals included:
    a) How they heard about us - for certain types of customer word of mouth was, and remains, an incredibly strong lead generation mechanism
    b) How quickly they on-boarded. Our best customers become activated very quickly
    c) How much additional support they required
    d) How engaged they were
    e) How long they stayed with us